Man wearing a coat and bow tie
Card photograph portrait of a man wearing a coat and bow tie with handwritten inscription on back.
Man wearing a coat with a long tie
Visiting card portrait of a man wearing a coat with a long tie with an ad on back featuring an cherub.
Man with beard in low-cut vest and suit and bow tie
Card photograph of a man with beard in low-cut vest and suit and bowtie with a handwritten inscription on back.
Man with handlebar mustache
Card photograph portrait of man with handlebar, the name and address of photo studio printed along bottom with an inscription on the back.
Man with mustache
Tintype portrait of a man with mustache within decorative red printed boarder.
Man with mustache
Card Photograph portrait of a man with mustache in an oval border with the name of photographer drawing of awards the photographer has won and the location of the studio on front and back.
Man with mustache and beard
Card Photograph portrait of man with mustache and beard with name of photographer printed on bottom and on back along with an inscription.
Mrs. Mary Vogel in dark clothing wearing a brooch
Card photograph portrait of Mrs. Mary Vogel identified in pen on back.
Portrait of two young ladies
Card photograph portrait of two young ladies with the name and address of the studio printed along bottom and an inscription on back.
Three young boys
Card photograph of three young boys in coats within circular inset with the name and address of the photographer on bottom and handwritten inscription on back.
Two boys posed next to a girl on a chair
Card photograph of three children: two boys, one girl; boys standing in knee-length trousers and boots; girl seated on fringed-chair in plaid dress with crochet cape. "Burnice, Sue, and Knapp...
Two men posed standing around a third
Card photograph of two men posed standing around a third in front of a painted backdrop with the name and address of the studio printed along the bottom and an inscription on the back.
Two men with mustaches
Card photograph of two men with mustaches in long, thick coats and top hats, holding gloves with the name and address of the photographer printed on the bottom with a handwritten inscription on back.
Two women, one man, and a small child
Card photograph of two women, one man, and a small child mounted on green card with the name and address of the photo studio.
W. H. Wiley with a mustache wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat and bow tie with inscription on back and printed ad for studio.
Woman in feather hat
Card photograph of a woman in feather hat, fur scarf and sequined dress with the name and address of the photographer printed on back along with a inscription.
Woman in sequined dress with ribbons as sleeves
Card photograph of a woman in sequined dress with ribbons as sleeves with the name and address of the photographer printed on back along with an inscription.
Woman with large sleeves
Card photograph vignette portrait of woman with large sleeves, hair pulled back with an inscription on back.
Woman with long hair
Visiting card Vignette bust only portrait of a woman with long hair with handwritten inscription along bottom and on back.
Young boy standing behind chair on which dog is sitting
Photographic postcard of a young boy standing behind chair on which dog is sitting with a date handwritten on back.
Young man standing in front of painted pastoral backdrop
Card photograph of a young man standing in front of painted pastoral backdrop with an inscription on the back.
Young man wearing a coat
Card photograph portrait of a young man wearing a coat and cravat with the name of the studio and address printed on bottom front and a handwritten inscription on back.
Young man wearing a coat
Card photograph portrait of young man wearing a coat with printed ad on back and inscription.