Elderly man with mustache
Card photograph of an elderly man with mustache wearing a coat with vest, bow tie and hat.
Man and woman
Visiting card photograph of a man and woman with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Man in hat, vest, and top-clasped coat
Visiting card portrait of man in hat, vest, and top-clasped coat with the year handwritten on back.
Man standing with right hand and hat on plinth
Visiting card photograph of a man standing with right hand and hat on plinth; wearing a dark suit with striped pants, and vest.
Man with mustache and sideburns
Visiting card photograph of a man with mustache and sideburns with an advertisement for the photographer.
Small child in boots, trousers, coat, and hat
Visiting card photograph of a small child in boots, trousers, coat, and hat, with right arm leaning on chair; decorative backdrop. The name and address of the photographer printed in gold along bottom...
Two girls in checked dresses
Visiting card of two girls, one seated on a faux rock, one standing with a printed ad on back for the photographer.
Woman sitting in chair with a child standing alongside
Woman in fur collared coat and flowered hat tied with checkered bow sitting in chair with female child in coat and knitted scarf standing alongside.
Woman standing, leaning on couch
Visiting card photograph of a woman standing, leaning on couch with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.
Woman wearing a feathered bonnet
Visiting card of a young woman in feathered bonnet with ad for photographer on back.
Young woman with a plumed hat
Slightly profiled portrait of a young woman with a plumed hat and hair pulled back in ringlets, wearing pendant earrings.