Female toddler wearing lace petticoat
Vignette portrait of a female toddler wearing lace petticoat and pantalets with a locket hanging around neck.
Girl in ballet costume
Visiting card photo of a young girl in ballet costume leaning elbow on round table with a tax stamp and the name of the studio on the back.
Girl in dress with long hair
Oval framed visiting card portrait of a girl, quarter profile, in dress with long hair, necklace and earrings.
Girl in plaid dress with lace collar
Visiting card portrait of girl in plaid dress with lace collar, leaning on clasped hands resting on velvet chair back.
Girl seated in chair in scallop trimmed dress
Visiting card portrait of a girl seated in chair in scallop trimmed dress with printed boarder on front and the name and address of the photographer on the back with a tax stamp.
Girl seated on table in trimmed bonnet and overcoat
Visiting card photograph of a girl seated on table in trimmed bonnet and overcoat.
Girl wearing bolero jacket
Visiting card portrait of a Girl, sitting in chair, wearing bolero jacket with puffed sleeves with a handwritten inscription on back.
Girl with hair parted in middle
Girl with hair parted in middle in fuller, knee-length dress with pattern and wide collar; seated.
Girl with hair pulled up
Vignette visiting card photograph of girl with hair pulled up on head with an illustration overtop the name and address of the photographer.
Libbie Weaver in dress standing
Girl identified as Libbie Weaver in dress standing with hands resting on an ornate chair.
Young girl with left arm on faux rock
Visiting card full-length portrait of a young girl with decorative pillar painted backdrop; casual stance with left arm on faux rock; hair pulled back in ribbon with bangs, knee-length casual dress.