Man standing with right hand and hat on plinth
Visiting card photograph of a man standing with right hand and hat on plinth; wearing a dark suit with striped pants, and vest.
Man with beard and a mustache
Visiting card portrait of a man with beard and a mustache with a printed ad for the photographer on back.
Man with mustache
Visiting card photograph of Man with mustache with printed advertisement for the photographer.
Man with mustache
Visiting card of a man with mustache with a printed advertisement for the photographer on back.
Man with mustache and beard
Visiting card of a man with mustache and beard wearing a coat, pink back with printed name of photo studio.
Man with mustache wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with a mustache wearing a coat and bow tie with purple logo for photo studio on back.
Man with wiry beard
Visiting card portrait of a man with wiry beard and unkempt hair in coat and vest.
Small child in boots, trousers, coat, and hat
Visiting card photograph of a small child in boots, trousers, coat, and hat, with right arm leaning on chair; decorative backdrop. The name and address of the photographer printed in gold along bottom...
Two girls and two boys
Oval inset visiting card photograph of two girls and two boys; the two younger seated in the front on stools, two older standing behind; common clothes, girls' hair down and uncoiffed, knee-length...
Two women, one seated, one standing
Visiting card photograph of two women, one seated, one standing, both in light dress. Seated woman has patterned dress with apron over it and a wash stand besides her. The standing woman has dark bow...
Woman in dark, belted dress
Oval inset of woman in dark, belted dress, clasp at collar, some stitching around buttons; hair pulled back.
Woman in dress with short, dark lace collar
Visiting card portrait in red bordered oval frame of a woman in dress with short, dark lace collar; hair pulled back loosely.
Woman in fitted black dress with tasseled scarf
Oval inset visiting card portrait of a woman in fitted black dress with tasseled scarf; hair down, parted at center. Printed red boarder.
Woman in striped dress
Oval inset visiting card photograph of a woman in striped dress with decorative bow and white high collar with printed ad for the photographer on back.
Woman in striped dress
Quarter profile of woman in striped dress with bow at collar, hair in long ringlets on one side.
Woman leaning on sofa edge
Visiting card photograph of woman in quarter-profile leaning on sofa edge with a printed ad featuring the name and address of the photographer on back.
Woman leaning on sofa edge
Visiting card photograph of a woman leaning on sofa edge in black, fitted dress; wide lace collar with a printed ad featuring the name and address of the photographer on back.
Woman leaning on tufted chair back
Visiting card photograph of a woman leaning on tufted chair back in dress with the name and address of the photographer on back.
Woman leaning on tufted chair back
Woman leaning on tufted chair back wearing dark dress, white high collar; hair pulled back.
Woman seated in long, full, dark, belted dress
Visiting card portrait of a married woman seated in long, full, dark, belted dress with lace-trimmed V-neck collar; hair pulled back; fringed curtain in corner of backdrop mounted on card with printed...
Woman seated on fringed chair
Visiting card portrait of a woman seated quarter profile on fringed chair in dress with layered trim and drop-shoulder top; hair back in ringlets with ribbon. The name and address of the photo studio...
Woman sitting in chair with a child standing alongside
Woman in fur collared coat and flowered hat tied with checkered bow sitting in chair with female child in coat and knitted scarf standing alongside.