A trio, a man and two women
A trio, two seated in front; man in dark suit and beard, woman in trimmed long dress and overcoat with another woman standing behind in long coat; decorative city sky line painted backdrop.
Baby dressed in lace christening gown
Vignette portrait of a baby, gender unknown, dressed in lace christening gown with bonnet.
Bearded man in dark coat
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man in dark coat, vest, and bow tie with the name and address of the photo gallery printed on back.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Vignette portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and a bow tie with handwritten inscription on the back.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie with printed ad and two cent stamp on back.
Bride and groom
Visiting card portrait of a bride and groom with an illustration including the name and address of the photographer.
Bride and groom
Visiting card photograph of a bride and groom with the name and address of the photographer on back.
Elderly man with mustache
Card photograph of an elderly man with mustache wearing a coat with vest, bow tie and hat.
Elderly woman seated
Visiting card portrait of an elderly woman seated with left arm on pillow in dark dress with neck bow and lace collar and cuffs with a printed ad for the photographer on back.
Elderly woman seated
Elderly woman seated in full, dark belted dress with lace collar and lace gloves; hands clasped.
Female toddler wearing lace petticoat
Vignette portrait of a female toddler wearing lace petticoat and pantalets with a locket hanging around neck.
Girl in dress with long hair
Oval framed visiting card portrait of a girl, quarter profile, in dress with long hair, necklace and earrings.
Girl in plaid dress with lace collar
Visiting card portrait of girl in plaid dress with lace collar, leaning on clasped hands resting on velvet chair back.
Girl seated on table in trimmed bonnet and overcoat
Visiting card photograph of a girl seated on table in trimmed bonnet and overcoat.
Infant in christening gown
Infant in christening gown sitting on chair; dark, thick card.
Libbie Weaver in dress standing
Girl identified as Libbie Weaver in dress standing with hands resting on an ornate chair.
Ludell Godley in high lace collar with lace scarf
Visiting card portrait of a young woman identified as Ludell Godley with name and address of photographer on back.
Maggie in two toned wide lace collar
Vignette visiting card portrait of a young woman "Maggie" in two toned wide lace collar with long, dark hair and the name and address of the photographer printed along bottom in red.
Man and woman
Visiting card photograph of a man and woman with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Man and woman
Man and woman; man seated in wooden chair with left leg crossed over right, right elbow on table covered with decorative cloth, holding book; woman standing behind and to the man's left in long, dark...
Man in coat, vest, and bow tie
Vignette visiting card portrait of a man quarter profile in coat, vest, and bow tie.
Man in slight checkered patter coat
Oval inset visiting card quarter-profile portrait of a man in slight checkered pattern coat, buttoned; cravat; hair parted on side and swept across with the name and city of the photographer printed...