1 - 20 of 20 items

Woman in dark fitted dress

Visiting card photograph of a woman in dark fitted dress with white high collar leaning on chair with an advertisement for the photographer printed on back.

Woman in high buttoned dress

Oval inset visiting card photograph of a woman in high buttoned dress with lacy white collar and the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.

Woman in ornately ruffled dress

Visiting card photograph of a woman in ornately ruffled dress, sleeves, bodice, and collar with the name and city of the photographer printed in gold along the bottom and on the back.

Woman standing next to chair

Visiting card portrait of a woman standing next to chair; dark dress with bustle and pleated front; decorative collar with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.

Woman with elaborate collar

Vignette visiting card portrait of a woman with elaborate collar; cameo earrings and choker with an advertisement for the photographer printed on back.

Woman with elaborate fringed collar

Oval inset visiting card photograph of a woman in quarter-profile with elaborate fringed collar with a printed ad for the photographer on back.