1 - 25 of 43 items

Baby girl with full head curly hair

Card photograph of a baby girl with full head curly hair in white dress with the name, monogram, and city of the photographer printed along bottom and the photographers name and address printed on the...

Baby propped up on blanket

Visiting card photo of a baby, propped up on a blanket with printed facsimile signature of the photographer on back.

Child in hat and large bow on neck


Card photograph of a child standing, arm propped on plaid-covered surface; hat, bow, coat, and boots with left leg crossed over right; decorative wilderness painted backdrop. Scalloped edges and the...

Girl and boy

Visiting card photograph of a girl seated on wooden chair and boy with the name and address of the photographer on back.

Girl in eyelet lace dress with lace up front

Card photograph of a girl in eyelet lace dress with lace up front with the name and address of the photo studio partially trimmed off the bottom and an printed illustration printed on back.

Girl in fitted dress with corsage


Vignette bust only quarter-profile card photograph of a girl in fitted dress with corsage, high collar; hair down mounted on red card. The name and address of the photo studio printed in gold along...

Girl on swing with boy

Card photograph of a girl on swing with boy standing besides her with printed name and address of photographer on bottom and large decorative ad on back.

Girl seated on arm of wooden chair

Girl seated on arm of wooden chair wearing dark dress with thick stripes at bottom and white lace collar. her hair is down in back with bangs. The name and address is partially trimmed off bottom of...

Girl standing in dark dress with thick stripes


Card photograph of a girl standing in dark dress with thick stripes at edge and white lace collar; leaning on prop with her hair parted at center and down over her shoulders. Bottom edge of card is...

Girl standing, leaning on table


Card photograph of a girl standing, leaning on table, wearing short dress with slightly decorative collar and sleeves. Hair parted at center and pulled back. The name, printed in a script font, along...

Infant in long christening dress


Card photograph of an infant propped on chair in long christening dress with the name of the photographer printed in gold along bottom.

Infant sitting on fringed chair


Card photograph of an infant sitting on fringed chair in light, scallop-trimmed dress with "Age 4 1/2 months" written in pencil on bottom.

Seven boys and one girl standing around plinth


Card photograph of seven boys and one girl standing around plinth; all in dark colors, boys with short hair parted on side; girl with high hair. Card has the name and address of photographer printed...

Short haired child


Card photograph of a short haired child sitting on wood prop in loosely fitting clothes with lace collar and string cravat or similar, with the name and city of the photographer printed under...

Small child in boots, trousers, coat, and hat


Visiting card photograph of a small child in boots, trousers, coat, and hat, with right arm leaning on chair; decorative backdrop. The name and address of the photographer printed in gold along bottom...