Man standing with right hand on back-facing chair
Visiting card portrait of a man standing with right hand on back-facing chair and the name and address of the photographer on back along with tax stamp.
Man wearing a coat with a long tie
Visiting card portrait of a man wearing a coat with a long tie with an ad on back featuring an cherub.
Man with handlebar mustache
Portrait of a man with handlebar mustache wearing a coat with a vest and cravat.
Man with handlebar mustache
Vignette portrait, slightly profiled, of man with Handlebar mustache, wearing a coat with vest, cravat and boutonniere on lapel.
Man with mustache
Vignette card photograph of a man with mustache and his hair parted on side in dark suit with necktie.
Man with mustache
Card photograph of a man with mustache with the name and address of the photographer printed along bottom of front and back.
Man with mustache
Card photograph portrait in profile of a man with mustache with the last name of the photographer, monogram, and address printed on front and back.
Man with mustache
Card photograph portrait of a man with mustache with the last name of the photographer, monogram, and address printed on front and back.
Man with mustache
Card photograph portrait of a man with mustache with the name and address of the photographer printed along bottom of front and back.
Man with mustache and beard
Card photograph of a man with mustache and beard with the last name of the photographer, monogram, and address printed on front and back.
Man with mustache and tweed coat
Card photograph portrait of a man with mustache and wearing a tweed coat.
Man with mustache and two girls seated in front of him
Card photograph of a man in suit jacket and tie with mustache with two girls sitting in front with large lace collars with the name and address of the studio printed along bottom.
Man with mustache seated wearing dark coat
Visiting card portrait of a man with mustache seated wearing dark coat open with the name and address of the photo studio printed on the back.
Man with mustache wearing a coat and tie
Visiting card portrait of a man with mustache wearing a coat and tie on front with an ad for the photographer on the back.
Man with mustache with boutonniere on lapel
Card photograph portrait of a man with mustache wearing a boutonniere on lapel with last name, monogram, and address of the photographer on the front and back.
Man with open coat and buttoned vest
Oval inset visiting card photograph of a man wearing an open coat and buttoned vest with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Mariano S. Otero in dark buttoned coat, striped cravat, and mustache
Quarter-profile of Mariano S. Otero in dark buttoned coat, striped cravat, and mustache.
Three young boys
Card photograph of three young boys in coats within circular inset with the name and address of the photographer on bottom and handwritten inscription on back.
Two men posed standing around a third
Card photograph of two men posed standing around a third in front of a painted backdrop with the name and address of the studio printed along the bottom and an inscription on the back.
Two young men seated with three young ladies standing behind them
Two young men seated with three young ladies standing behind them, possibly siblings. Note along bottom gives first names and ages.
Young boy dressed in a coat with a bow tie
Card photograph of a young boy dressed in a coat with a bow tie with script font Last name of photographer with drawing of artist palette on the bottom of the front and decorative ad for the photo...
Young boy slightly profile in coat and striped necktie
Visiting card portrait of a young boy in coat and striped necktie with inscription on back with ad for the photo studio.
Young man leaning left arm on a pedestal
Young man leaning left arm on a floral pedestal, wearing a coat with vest and a tie. The name and address of the photo studio printed along bottom.