Young woman in garment with puffed sleeves high neck collar with bow
Oval portrait of young woman, slight profile, garment with puffed sleeves high neck collar with bow, hair back with large bow.
Young woman in high collared blouse
Visiting card of a young woman in high collared blouse with printed ad for photographer on back.
Young woman in high laced bib collar and gathered bow
Visiting card portrait of a young woman in high laced bib collar and gathered bow with name of photographer printed on back.
Young woman in high necked collar secured with decorative pin
Vignette portrait of a young woman, plain garment, high neck secured with decorative pin. Hair is blond and pulled back.
Young woman in lace collar
Vignette visiting card portrait of a young woman in lace collar, earrings, long hair with an illustration featuring the name and address of the photographer on the back.
Young woman in lace gown and veil
Card photograph portrait of young woman in lace gown and veil with decorative seal advertisement for photographer on back.
Young woman in light dress with white ruffled collar
Oval inset visiting card photograph of young woman in light dress with white ruffled collar with the name, monogram, and address of the photographer printed on back.
Young woman in wide laced collar with ribboned necklace
Card photograph of young woman in wide laced collar with ribboned necklace with printed ad for the photographer on back.
Young woman seated in ornate white lace dress
Card photograph of a young woman seated in ornate white lace dress; white stockings and shoes; long gloves; hair pulled back. Silver edges and with the name and address of the photographer printed in...
Young woman standing on a stairwell
Card photograph of a young woman standing on a stairwell with .
Young woman standing with lace collar wrap and corsage
Card photograph of a Young woman standing with lace collar wrap with printed ad for the photographer on back.
Young woman wearing a bibbed garment with brooch
Visiting card portrait of a young woman wearing a bibbed garment with the photographer's name printed on back.
Young woman wearing a chain and with cross
Visiting card portrait of young woman wearing a chain and with cross with the photographer's name printed on back.
Young woman wearing a while lace collar with brooch
Card photograph portrait of Lola W. R. wearing a while lace collar with brooch with printed ad for the photographer on back.
Young woman wearing dark embroidered top with lace collar
Vignette visiting card portrait of a young woman seated slightly profile wearing dark embroidered top with lace collar, hair up with ringlets, and earrings.
Young woman with a plumed hat
Slightly profiled portrait of a young woman with a plumed hat and hair pulled back in ringlets, wearing pendant earrings.
Young woman with corsage
Card photograph portrait of young woman wearing a corsage with an ad for the photographer on back.
Young woman with hair atop head and bangs curled
Card photograph portrait of young woman with her hair atop head with bangs curled. Printed ad on back has name and address of studio.
Young woman with high lace collar and string of beads
Visiting card portrait of a young woman with high lace collar and string of beads with a printed drawing of a butterfly on the back.
Young woman with lace collar held by brooch
Card photograph portrait of young woman with lace collar held by brooch with printed ad for the photographer on back.
Young woman with long beaded necklace
Visiting card portrait of a young woman in a long beaded necklace with the name of the photographer printed on back.
Young woman with ornate collar
Oval inset visiting card of a young woman with ornate collar with the name and address of the photographer on back.
Young woman, garment beaded with beaded and lace high collar
Vignette portrait of young woman, garment beaded with beaded and lace high collar adorned with brooch. Hair pulled up in a bun.