76 - 100 of 223 items

Man with mustache

Visiting card of a man with mustache with a printed advertisement for the photographer on back.

Man with mustache

Card Photo of a man with mustache holding hat with facsimile of photographer's signature on back.

Man with mustache

Card Photograph portrait of a man with mustache in an oval border with the name of photographer drawing of awards the photographer has won and the location of the studio on front and back.

Date Published

Man with mustache

Card photograph of a man with mustache with the name and address of the photographer printed along bottom of front and back.

Man with mustache

Card photograph portrait in profile of a man with mustache with the last name of the photographer, monogram, and address printed on front and back.

Man with mustache

Card photograph portrait of a man with mustache with the last name of the photographer, monogram, and address printed on front and back.

Man with mustache

Card photograph portrait of a man with mustache with the name and address of the photographer printed along bottom of front and back.

Man with mustache

Card photograph portrait of a man with mustache with the name and address of the photographer printed along bottom of front and back.

Man with mustache and beard

Card Photograph portrait of man with mustache and beard with name of photographer printed on bottom and on back along with an inscription.

Man with mustache and beard

Card photograph of a man with mustache and beard with the last name of the photographer, monogram, and address printed on front and back.

Man with mustache in formal coat and vest

Vignette visiting card portrait of a man with mustache in formal coat and vest with an illustration of the photographer on back atop the name and address of the studio.

Man with open coat and buttoned vest

Oval inset visiting card photograph of a man wearing an open coat and buttoned vest with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.

Older woman seated next to young girl

Card photograph of an Older lady seated next to girl mounted on green card with the name and address printed along bottom in gold. The name and address of the photographer printed on card back in red...