Woman with high collar adorned with flower brooch
Card photograph portrait of woman in high collar adorned with flower brooch. Script font logo and inscription on back.
Woman with high stiff collar and chain with locket around neck
Card Photograph portrait of woman with high stiff collar and chain. Printed advertisement for photographer on back.
Woman with lace veil
Visiting card vignette portrait of a woman wearing a lace veil in back and low dark collar with the name and address printed on back.
Woman with large lace bow and cross necklace
Oval inset visiting card photograph of a woman with large lace bow and cross necklace with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Woman with ribbon choker
Photo card of a woman ribbon choker with an ad for the photographer pasted on back.
Young boy dressed in a coat with a bow tie
Card photograph of a young boy dressed in a coat with a bow tie with script font Last name of photographer with drawing of artist palette on the bottom of the front and decorative ad for the photo...
Young boy dressed in a coat with vest
Visiting card photograph of a Young boy dressed in a coat with vest with the name and address of the studio printed on back.
Young boy in dress coat and gloves
Scalloped edged card photograph of a Young boy in dress coat and gloves; right hand propped on wicker chair and left hand holding bible on table with the name and address of the photographer printed...
Young boy seated next to dog
Tintype portrait of a young boy seated next to a dog within a decorative printed boarder and the name of the studio printed on back.
Young boy sitting on a stone wall
Card photograph of a young boy sitting on a stone wall with the name of the photo studio and address printed along bottom and within a decorative boarder on back.
Young boy slightly profile in coat and striped necktie
Visiting card portrait of a young boy in coat and striped necktie with inscription on back with ad for the photo studio.
Young boy standing with left hand in jacket pocket
Visiting card portrait of a young boy standing with left hand in jacket pocket with a tax stamp on back along with the name and address of the studio.
Young boy wearing a coat
Card photograph portrait of young boy wearing a coat with the facsimile signature of photographer on front and printed ad for studio on back.
Young child in white dress
Card photograph of a young child in white dress seated on blanket-covered wicker chair; decorative backdrop; oval photo mounted on thick card with the name, title, and address of the photographer on...
Young child wearing pleated dress with bow
Card photograph of a young child in pleated dress with bow. The name, monogram, and city of the photographer printed along bottom and the photographers name and address printed on the back.
Young lady in high lace collar and chain around neck
Visiting card portrait of a young lady in high lace collar with printed ad fro photographer on back.
Young man leaning right arm on pedestal
Card photograph of a Young man leaning on pedestal with the name and address of the photographer printed along the bottom and on the back.
Young man seated with right arm resting on fringed cushion
Visiting card portrait of a young man seated slightly profile with right arm resting on fringed cushion with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.
Young man wearing a coat
Card photograph portrait of young man wearing a coat with printed ad on back and inscription.
Young man wearing a coat and cravat
Card photograph portrait of young man slightly profiled with printed name and address for photographer on bottom of the front and on back.
Young man wearing a coat and long tie
Visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat and long tie with and advertisement for the photographer on the back.
Young man wearing a coat and tie
Card photograph portrait of a young man wearing a coat and tie with printed ad on back for the studio and an inscription.
Young man wearing a coat with a bow tie
visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat with a bow tie with printed ad for photographer on back.