51 - 75 of 230 items

Man in high-buttoned coat

Vignette bust only card photograph of a man in high-buttoned coat; moustache, hair parted on left and combed over.

Man in suit coat and vest

Oval inset bust only portrait of a man in suit coat and vest with light-colored shirt showing underneath, hair parted on left.

Man in suit with small necktie

Vignette visiting card bust only portrait of a man in suit with small necktie with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.

Man leaning on chair

Visiting card portrait of a man standing, leaning on chair wearing a dark suit with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.

Man leaning on tufted sofa edge in dark suit

Visiting card photograph of a man leaning on tufted sofa edge in dark suit, neck tie and striped pants with an illustration featuring the name and address of the photographer printed on the back.

Man seated on wooden chair

Visiting card portrait of a man seated on wooden chair with right leg crossed over left with the name and address of photo studio printed on back.

Man with handlebar mustache

Card photograph of W. J. M. Sandells standing in front of decorative backdrop with name and address of photographer printed on bottom and decorative seal on back.

Date Published

Man with handlebar mustache

Card photograph portrait man with Handlebar mustache with the last name and address of the photographer on the bottom of the front and the back.