Young man leaning right arm on pedestal
Card photograph of a Young man leaning on pedestal with the name and address of the photographer printed along the bottom and on the back.
Young man seated with right arm resting on fringed cushion
Visiting card portrait of a young man seated slightly profile with right arm resting on fringed cushion with the name and address of the photo studio printed on back.
Young man wearing a coat
Card photograph portrait of young man wearing a coat with printed ad on back and inscription.
Young man wearing a coat and cravat
Card photograph portrait of young man slightly profiled with printed name and address for photographer on bottom of the front and on back.
Young man wearing a coat and long tie
Visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat and long tie with and advertisement for the photographer on the back.
Young man wearing a coat and tie
Card photograph portrait of a young man wearing a coat and tie with printed ad on back for the studio and an inscription.
Young man wearing a coat with a bow tie
visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat with a bow tie with printed ad for photographer on back.
Young man wearing a coat with a bow tie
Card photograph of a young man wearing a coat with bow tie with the name and address of the photographer on front and back.
Young man wearing a coat with a cravat
Visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat with a cravat with the name of the studio printed along bottom and a handwritten inscription on back with printed ad.
Young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Oval shaped visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie with a advertisement for the photographer on back.
Young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie with printed banner style ad for photographer on back.
Young man wearing a polka dot bow tie
Card photograph portrait of young man in polka dot bow tie with printed name and address of photographer on front and back.
Young man with dark coat and buttoned vest
Oval inset visiting card photograph of a young man with dark coat and buttoned vest with the name and address of the photographer on back.
Young man with mustache
Card photograph of a young man with mustache with the name and address of the photographer printed along the bottom and on the back.
Young man with mustache wearing coat
Visiting card portrait of a young man with mustache wearing coat with printed ad for the photographer on back.
Young man with open coat and buttoned vest
Oval inset visiting card photograph of a Young man wearing open coat and buttoned vest with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.
Young mustachioed man wearing a dark coat
Oval inset visiting card photograph of a Young mustachioed man wearing a dark coat with the name and address of the photo studio on back.
Young woman in detailed dress with lace collar and pearls
Visiting card portrait of a young woman in detailed dress with lace collar and pearls with the name and address of the photographer printed with pinstripes on back.
Young woman in double breasted dress with high lace collar
Visiting card of a portrait of young woman with high lace collar with an ad for the photographer on back.
Young woman in dress with lace collar
Visiting card portrait of a young woman in dress with lace collar, hair pulled up with the name and address of the photo studio on back.
Young woman in high collared blouse
Visiting card of a young woman in high collared blouse with printed ad for photographer on back.
Young woman in high laced bib collar and gathered bow
Visiting card portrait of a young woman in high laced bib collar and gathered bow with name of photographer printed on back.
Young woman in lace collar
Vignette visiting card portrait of a young woman in lace collar, earrings, long hair with an illustration featuring the name and address of the photographer on the back.
Young woman in lace gown and veil
Card photograph portrait of young woman in lace gown and veil with decorative seal advertisement for photographer on back.