51 - 75 of 230 items

Infant sitting on fringed chair


Card photograph of an infant sitting on fringed chair in light, scallop-trimmed dress with "Age 4 1/2 months" written in pencil on bottom.

Large group of young women


Large group of young women mostly wearing shirtwaists posed on the steps of a building with ornate metal railings.

Maggie in two toned wide lace collar


Vignette visiting card portrait of a young woman "Maggie" in two toned wide lace collar with long, dark hair and the name and address of the photographer printed along bottom in red.

Man and woman

Visiting card photograph of a man and woman with the name and address of the photographer printed on back.

Man and woman

Man and woman; man seated in wooden chair with left leg crossed over right, right elbow on table covered with decorative cloth, holding book; woman standing behind and to the man's left in long, dark...

Man and woman standing under decorative gate


Card photograph of a Man wearing sack suit and hat and woman in fitted dress standing under decorative gate backdrop, man in front, leaning on gate opening; woman behind with the name and address of...

Man in coat and tie


Portrait of a man wearing suit jacket, collared shirt, and tie in decorative oval border.

Man in dark suit and vest


Vignette card photograph of man in dark suit and vest, neck tie, thick mustache and beard. Many details added by hand. The name and address of the photographer is embossed along the bottom of the card...

Man in fitted suit


Card photograph of a man slightly profile in fitted suit, hair parted on the side and oiled with printed ad for the photographer along bottom.

Man in slight checkered patter coat

Oval inset visiting card quarter-profile portrait of a man in slight checkered pattern coat, buttoned; cravat; hair parted on side and swept across with the name and city of the photographer printed...

Man in suit with coat and vest


Vignette Bust only card photograph of a man in suit with coat and vest; short hair combed back. The name and city of the photo studio printed in gold on bottom of card mount.

Man seated in metal chair next to standing wife


Card photograph of a man seated in metal chair next to standing wife in front of decorative wooden bridge painted backdrop. The man has an eyepatch, beard, suit, and necktie. The woman wears a long...