Young man in oval frame wearing dark coat, vest, and necktie
Portrait of young man in oval frame wearing dark coat, vest, and necktie.
Young man leaning left arm on a pedestal
Young man leaning left arm on a floral pedestal, wearing a coat with vest and a tie. The name and address of the photo studio printed along bottom.
Young man wearing a coat
Card photograph portrait of a young man wearing a coat and cravat with the name of the studio and address printed on bottom front and a handwritten inscription on back.
Young man wearing a coat
Card photograph portrait of young man wearing a coat with printed ad on back and inscription.
Young man wearing a coat and a bow tie
Vignette portrait of a young man wearing a coat and a bow tie.
Young man wearing a coat with a bow tie
visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat with a bow tie with printed ad for photographer on back.
Young man wearing a coat with a bow tie
Card photograph of a young man wearing a coat with bow tie with the name and address of the photographer on front and back.
Young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Vignette portrait of a young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie.
Young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Oval shaped visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie with a advertisement for the photographer on back.
Young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a young man wearing a coat with vest and bow tie with printed banner style ad for photographer on back.
Young man wearing a tweed coat
Portrait, slightly profiled of young man wearing a tweed coat and cravat.
Young man wearing a tweed coat
Portrait of a young man wearing a tweed coat with vest and bow tie.
Young man with handlebar mustache
Young man with handlebar mustache leaning a floral pedestal with his left arm. Wearing a coat with vest and bow tie.
Young man with right hand resting on a wicker chair
Young man, early teens wearing suit with knickers, standing with right hand resting on a wicker chair in front of a decorative backdrop.
Young woman
Young woman, back to camera, in profile, wearing puffy sleeves. Hair is worn in a bun at back of head.
Young woman
Young woman wearing glasses and a frilly shirtwaist with puffy sleeves and an Alastor choker.
Young woman in dark dress with puffed sleeves
Young woman in dark dress with puffed sleeves, fitted collar with crescent moon brooch; earrings; hair pulled back.
Young woman in garment with puffed sleeves high neck collar with bow
Oval portrait of young woman, slight profile, garment with puffed sleeves high neck collar with bow, hair back with large bow.
Young woman in high necked collar secured with decorative pin
Vignette portrait of a young woman, plain garment, high neck secured with decorative pin. Hair is blond and pulled back.
Young woman in plaid top
Rectangular framed visiting card portrait of a young woman in plaid top, hands folded under chin with elbows on bench; hand tinted bow in hair and cheeks.
Young woman seated in ornate white lace dress
Card photograph of a young woman seated in ornate white lace dress; white stockings and shoes; long gloves; hair pulled back. Silver edges and with the name and address of the photographer printed in...
Young woman wearing dark embroidered top with lace collar
Vignette visiting card portrait of a young woman seated slightly profile wearing dark embroidered top with lace collar, hair up with ringlets, and earrings.
Young woman with a plumed hat
Slightly profiled portrait of a young woman with a plumed hat and hair pulled back in ringlets, wearing pendant earrings.