Bearded man in dark coat
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man in dark coat, vest, and bow tie with the name and address of the photo gallery printed on back.
Bearded man in suit jacket, vest, with a bowtie
Oval framed vignette of the bust of a bearded man in suit jacket, vest, with a bowtie.
Bearded man wearing a coat
Portrait of a bearded man with mustache wearing a coat with vest, bow tie & watch-chain.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Vignette portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and a bow tie with handwritten inscription on the back.
Bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie
Visiting card portrait of a bearded man wearing a coat and bow tie with printed ad and two cent stamp on back.
Bearded man wearing a coat with a vest and a bow tie
Card photograph portrait of a bearded man with last name and address of photographer on bottom of the front and on back.
Elderly man with mustache
Card photograph of an elderly man with mustache wearing a coat with vest, bow tie and hat.
Four men all wearing hats
Four men, two seated in wood chairs, two standing, all wearing hats or derbies.
Group of five men posed outside in front of a wooden fence
Group of five men posed outside in front of a wooden fence, three of them are standing behind the two men seated on wooden chairs. All but the man holding a pipe in the lower right are wearing hats.
Man in coat and tie
Portrait of a man wearing suit jacket, collared shirt, and tie in decorative oval border.
Man in coat, vest, and bow tie
Vignette visiting card portrait of a man quarter profile in coat, vest, and bow tie.
Man in dark coat, vest, light shirt, and dark necktie
Vignette bust only card photograph of a man in dark coat, vest, light shirt, and dark necktie; hair parted at left side, facing forward. The name and address of the photographer embossed along bottom.
Man in dark suit and vest
Vignette card photograph of man in dark suit and vest, neck tie, thick mustache and beard. Many details added by hand. The name and address of the photographer is embossed along the bottom of the card...
Man in dark suit with light shirt, neck tie, and mustache
Card photograph of a man in dark suit with light shirt, neck tie, and mustache with the name and address of the photographer printed under decorative border along bottom.
Man in fitted suit
Card photograph of a man slightly profile in fitted suit, hair parted on the side and oiled with printed ad for the photographer along bottom.
Man in slight checkered patter coat
Oval inset visiting card quarter-profile portrait of a man in slight checkered pattern coat, buttoned; cravat; hair parted on side and swept across with the name and city of the photographer printed...
Man in suit and bowtie
Portrait of a man in decorative oval border. Wearing a coat with vest and bow tie.
Man in suit with coat and vest
Vignette Bust only card photograph of a man in suit with coat and vest; short hair combed back. The name and city of the photo studio printed in gold on bottom of card mount.
Man standing wearing a plaid wool coat
Man standing, holding a walking stick in his left hand. Wearing a plaid wool coat, vest and plaid wool overcoat with cape.
Man standing with arm on sofa
Man standing with arm on sofa; wearing dark suit, hat in right hand; moustache; decorative backdrop.
Man standing with right hand and hat on plinth
Visiting card photograph of a man standing with right hand and hat on plinth; wearing a dark suit with striped pants, and vest.
Man wearing a coat with a vest and bow tie
Portrait, slightly profiled, of a man wearing a coat with a vest and bow tie.