14 men on stage, 13 dressed as women
A group of 14 men lined up on stage for a photo; 13 are dressed as women. Actors from the play "Negroid Evolution" that Bettye Miller produced and directed.
Band playing on stage
Unidentified band (trumpet player, two saxophonists, drummer, pianist) playing onstage as part of the play "Negroid Evolution" produced and directed by Bettye Miller.
Bettye Miller and others at a club
Bettye Miller (third from the left) at a table with four unidentified African American women, an unidentified African American man, and speaking with an unidentified white man who's head is turned...
Bettye Miller and two others at a club
Bettye Miller (left) and two unidentified women smoking and drinking at a small table at the O.V. Catt. Club
Bettye Miller in a long white dress
Bettye Miller on stage wearing a long white dress with floral accents. Facing the camera and smiling.
Bettye Miller in a white dress
Bettye Miller posing on stage in a white dress with floral elements. Facing the camera.
Bettye Miller with three others at a club
Bettye Miller (left) and three unidentified women seated around a table at a club. All but one looking at the camera. The two women on the right have hats. Miller is holding a cigarette. Other club...
Bettye Miller with three others at a club
Bettye Miller in a light colored dress with long gloves and smoking a cigarette seated at a table in an unidentified club with an unidentified woman and two men. Other club patrons can be seen in the...
Drummer and saxophonist for the play "Negroid Evolution"
Unidentified drummer and saxophonist playing music for the play "Negroid Evolution" produced and directed by Bettye Miller. A third person can partially be seen to the right of the photo.
Gospel choir on stage
Unidentified Gospel choir members (all women) in white robes singing with unidentified man in dark robes and cap singing in front of them. Part of the play "Negroid Evolution" produced and directed by...
Graduation photos of Bettye Miller
Set of three photographs of Bettye Miller in a graduation cap and gown. She is looking forward (top), to the right (center), and to the left (bottom).
Milt Abel under a tree
Milt Abel crouching under a tree in front of a large building in Philadelphia. He's wearing a light colored suit and a hat.
Portrait of Bettye Miller
Portrait photograph of Bettye Miller in an off-the-shoulder dress. Looking over her shoulder to the left of the photo.
Portrait of Bettye Miller
Portrait photograph of Bettye Miller in an off-the-shoulder dress. Turned slightly to the right of the photo.
Promotion photo of an unidentified African American man and woman
Promotional photograph of an unidentified African America man and an African American woman named Ruth. Ruth is seated and the man leaning down next to her from behind. Both looking to the left of the...
Promotional photo for unidentified group
Promotional photograph of an unidentified group of six women in identical costumes and in groups of three around a seated woman in a dark gown between them.
Promotional photo of "Bob & Al"
Promotional photograph of "Bob & Al" (also known as the Jivadeers). Both are wearing suits. The man on the left is turned to the camera and looking up and to the right while the man on the right is...
Promotional photo of Baggy Hardiman & his Kings
Promotional photograph of Baggy Hardiman and His Kings. The text in the photo's border reads: "Baggy Hardiman & His Kings ; Radio and Recording Artists, Instrumental and Vocal Group ; Personal...
Promotional photo of Ken and Bev Husted
Promotional photo of Ken and Bev Husted. Both facing the camera and Bev has her harms around Ken's neck.
Scene from "Negroid Evolution"
Scene from the play "Negroid Evolution" produced and directed by Bettye Miller. A group of men and women are on stage dressed as enslaved persons in front of cotton plant props while they sing. One...
Scene from "Negroid Evolution"
Scene from the play "Negroid Evolution" produced and directed by Bettye Miller. A group of men and women standing on stage and looking out to the audience. Some are in formal clothes, some in...
Scene from "Negroid Evolution"
Scene from the play "Negroid Evolution" produced and directed by Bettye Miller. A group of men and women standing on stage and looking out to the audience. Some are in formal clothes, some in...
Scene from "Negroid Evolution"
Scene from the play "Negroid Evolution" produced and directed by Bettye Miller. A group of men and women dressed as enslaved persons standing in front of props designed to look like cotton plants. A...
Scene from "Negroid Evolution"
Scene from the play "Negroid Evolution" produced and directed by Bettye Miller. A group of men and women, dressed in 19th century costumes, are lying in a crowded group on the floor of the stage. The...
Scene from "Negroid Evolution"
Scene from the play "Negroid Evolution" produced and directed by Bettye Miller. Two women and a man are standing in a group speaking to each other; an older man with a cane is seated in a rocking...